Adult Day Treatment and Training Program (DTA/DTT)
  • The Day Program provides community integration and also provides a structured in-house environment that will stimulate and challenge each program participant. The focus of the Day Program is to encourage socialization, active participation in their communities, learn/enhance life skills, live healthier and more active lives, being involved in teamwork and most importantly having the right to self-determination. Exalted Homecare, LLC provides an environment that is exciting and not monotonous. Some of the activities that will be taking place are: Trips to museums, libraries, malls, sporting arenas, fire and police stations, recreation centers and parks. At the site , there will be team discussions (getting problems/issues out in the open and resolved), current events, arts and crafts, life skills, games, puzzles, and some simple culinary skills. Day Treatment and Training Program provide specialized sensory-motor, cognitive communication, and social interaction as well as behavioral training for the consumer for a period of 8 hours a day. The program provides training which serves to maintain and increase each individual's self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills, in order to enable them to reside and participate successfully in their community. On-going discussions with the program participants will ultimately determine the activities of the future!


The Day Treatment and Training program offers three core areas:
• Rehabilitation Teaching
• Basic Living Skills
• Basic Computer skills

Rehabilitation Teaching - Evaluates the needs of consumers and teach them skills necessary to stay safe and independent in their homes. Training includes, but is not limited to:
1. Communication skills
2. Meal preparation
3. Kitchen safety and cleaning skills
4. Adaptive skills training

Basic Living Skills include:
1. Appropriate table manners
2. Effective communication with others
3. Travel training
4. Participation in community based program.

Basic computer skills - Assisting individuals on how to use the Internet to search for employment, pay bills, gets directions, and so much more. The Exalted Home Care Day Treatment and Training program develops an Individualized Support Plan in accordance with the consumer's ISP. The Individualized Support Plan is monitored and implemented on a daily basis. Monthly progress reports of participation, activities, and performance data are forwarded to the individual's assigned case manager.

DTT Brochure

Events Calendar

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